Saturday 30 April 2011

Just a little update!

Just a little up date about the work am doing at the moment! Its still based on milkman and my milkround, but I am concentrating on developing my surface pattern work, bring more detail in to it. I have been drawing doorsteps as they are iconic to the Milkman. Another reason why I want doorsteps in my work is because the UK sales of milk to the doorstep is just 4.7% and supermarkets are riding high with over 80% of milk sale, I want to bring peoples milk back to the doorstep. Here is a taster of drawings which will be screen printed when I get back to uni on Tuesday!

Am quite happy with the outcome of these drawings and developments, very excited to get printing them. What I hope to do is have the doorsteps as the background and then apply the applique milkman/woman over the top. Also I plan to have some just black and white printed up as well.

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